I was raised in a home where shoes were never worn inside. I guess you could say my mother started me down this path, but I could have veered at any time during my life—but I didn’t. What is hard for most people to understand is simply this: I look at the world much differently than most people. Behaviors I see boggle my mind—but people are who they are and I just have to deal with it.
Compound my germophobic tendencies with two things that come later in life: 1) a child who is somewhat medically fragile and 2) running my own business that is based solely on billable hours (no work = no pay). My upbringing, combined with my life’s path is the perfect storm to create the person I am today.
Now, fast forward to present day. We are right in the throws of COVID-19. The stock market has taken a tumble. Hundreds of people have lost (or will loose) their jobs. Panic is wide-spread and there is no end in sight. All my friends are saying things like:
- “How are you handling this?”
- “I bet you are freaking out!!”
- “Are you still traveling?”
- “Aren’t you nervous?”
My answer is simple: “I’m doing nothing different now, that I did a few weeks ago”. I wash my hands frequently. I sanitize before I eat (if a sink is not readily available). I never touch my eyes, nose or put my fingers in my mouth—and guess what: I rarely, rarely get a cold or the flu. So, I’m literally doing nothing different now with the threat of Corona than I typically do!
All that said, timing is everything. I’ve been kicking around the idea of starting a travel blog to share my habits. Are my habits for everyone? Absolutely not. But I’m sure there are individuals out there that struggle. This blog will have articles that let you know—you are not the only person out there who thinks like you!!!
Keep traveling and stay clean!